How I´m planning my year as a creative business

Hi there! I hope you had a wonderful break over the festive period but now is time to get back to the day to day routine and work. I have always enjoyed seeing how other creatives plan the year ahead for success. What tools they use and all that is it involves.

So I thought I would share with you what I´ll be using this year to keep myself on track to achieve my goals.

The first thing I did was a brain dump, of all the things I wanted to do, create and be involved with. Get a notebook and a pen, write everything that come to mind down.

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I bought myself a planner that would help me with that, the Livvit Planner. I really like that it comes with ¨Instrctutions¨, to guide you and follow to make the best used of the planner.

I thought this will help with the overwhelm of Where do I start? Right?

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Also, I bought the book The Bullet Journal Method. But not create those beautiful spreads you see on the internet, you know I´m a bit of minimalist. But to get the behind the scenes of methodology #I´m geeky like that!#.

Being able to organized aspect of your business, as well as your day to day life applying the same principals is a great thing. The focus is on making sure you are targeting the right things based on your life goals.

So far the story behind it is very interesting, I´ll tell you how it goes!

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I´ll be doing business coaching as well with my mentor Amanda Creek from Amanda Creek Creative (link to Amanda´s page). I started working with her last year and it was amazing the results that achieved.

I achieved the clarity and direction I much need it. She is amazing and such a sweetheart! 100% recommended!

Amanda recommended Trello an App that can help you organized and plan better all those ideas swirling around your head. So I´m giving it a try with all the ideas I had from my brain dump.

Is not all Work Work over here! I wanted as well to keep my creative learning journey going not only through books but also through courses.

To exercise my creative side and expand my skills I chose two books. The first one is 365 Days of Drawing from Lorna Scobie.

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I´m loving all the different section and exercises in the book, color theory, relaxation.

Another book that I´ll be using is one that I bought in Victoria & Albert Museum from Pen and Hu.

The authors made, what I see as watercolor clouds, and you need to doodle things from it. It reminded me of looking at the clouds to tell what shape they are. So I´m pretty sure is going to be fun to draw what I see!

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I really enjoy online learning is very convenient and I can learn around my schedule. Skillshare is a great online platform that can help you to do that. They have lots of courses to you choose from a wide range of topics.

Other Apps I use on my that can help you in general as well are:

  • Planoly

  • Slack

  • ColorStory

  • A Design Kit

Hopefully, this behind the scene to my planning process can help you in some way to plan your year!

Until next time! Cheers!

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